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                                                                        All mounts require a 25%  deposit.

                                                                               Open mouth mounts added charge


                                                                       Prices at Back Road Taxidermy



Species                          Shoulder Mount                                Life Size                              Skull Mounts           


Antelop                                 $400                                               $2,000                                       $175

Bear                                      $450                                          $1,800 to $2,500                            $150

Boar                                      $525                                              $1,500                                        $200

Bobcat                                   $350                                               $550                                            Call

Coyote                                   $350                                               $600                                           Call

Deer                                      $375                                               $2,200                                       $150

Fox                                        $250                                                $500                                          Call

Ground Hog                          $250                                                $400                                         Call

Mtn Goat                               $450                                              $2,200                                        $250

Caribou                                 $575                                              $3,500

Elk                                         $800                                              $4,000

Mtn Lion                               $500                                          $2,200 to 3,000                               Call

Mule Deer                             $400                                        $2,400 to $3000                              $200

Racoon                                  $250                                                $375                                           Call

Sheep                                     $400                                              $2,200                                         $250

Squirrel                                                                                         $175                                           Cal


African Game                  Call for prices                                                                                                


                                                     All Life Size Mounts come with Base & Habitat




Pheasants/Grouse/ Qual                                     Standing                                         $225

                                                                             Flying                                         $250

Ducks                                                    Flying                                         $250

                                                             Standing                                      $225



                                                           Standing                                                  $500

                                                          Flying/Gobbling/Strutting                       $550


                                                               Base & Habitat included for Full Mount Turkey's


                                                                         Skin Mount Fish

Warm/Cold Water                             $11 an inch            $200 minimum

Reproductions                                   $15 an inch 


                                                              Miscellaneous Service

Antler Repair                                    $25 an inch

Refurbish                                          $20 an hour


Panels/Bases/Pedestals                     Inquire for prices

Driftwood                                         Inquire for prices



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